6 July 2024
  • 6 July 2024

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Steven Thompson talks music, St Mirren and John Terry

by on 1 September 2018 0
Steven Thompson enjoyed a successful 20-year career playing for teams such as Dundee United, Rangers and St Mirren, before moving into football punditry for BBC Scotland. Mill tackles him in this exclusive interview. Football and music don’t tend to mix. Anyone who’s ever heard a Scotland World Cup squad novelty single will attest to... Read More

Thomas Coats Memorial Baptist Church

by on 1 September 2018 0
Allan Driver is an authority on the Thomas Coats Memorial Baptist Church, one of the most famous and cherished landmarks on the Paisley skyline. We spoke to him about the history and future of this magnificent piece of Gothic art. One of Paisley’s most striking buildings, the Thomas Coats Memorial Baptist Church ceased to... Read More